Business & Finance

Inexpensive Ways to Promote Your Business

Social media

Social media

The importance of marketing your business cannot be underestimated. It doesn’t matter how good your product, service or customer care is if nobody is aware of your company. Through effective promotion you can put across the benefits which you can provide and others cannot or at least not at the same level as your own. In addition to this self-promotion is a way to communicate your company philosophies and brand message to existing and potential customers. If you are running a smaller business it can sometimes be a struggle balancing decent promotion against cost so what are some cost effective ways of going about it?

blogBlogging and Social Media

You should be using the internet to push your business as much as possible. One way of doing this is to have a blog as part of your company website. Through this you can impart helpful and free information to people which is also promoting your company and the services you have on offer. You should encourage these to be interactive and as you generate responses make sure to answer any queries. This will boost how you are perceived with regards to customer service and show that your brand speaks sense. Social media is another useful tool to make use of so consider making a Facebook group or getting people within your business to share items related to your company. The exposure this can generate is quite considerable and as others continue to share it you are gaining free advertising.


These have become quite popular in recent times. Infographics are very cheap to create with numerous websites around which provide free templates and they are not particularly time consuming to make. What they do is allow you to share some key pointers of information but, as the name suggests, in an eye-catching visual image. These can then enter social media etc. and become shared around further if they become popular. In addition to this they are a very successful way of building backlinks which will increase your internet visibility even further.

NewslettersE-mail Newsletters

Build up a regular e-mail service to which people can subscribe and routinely receive information, offers and news connected to your business. It is quite common for people to add themselves to such e-mails and then keep receiving them even when they are not necessarily in need of your services. As and when they do need them these regular updates will remind them to use your company or if they have friends or colleagues they can pass on your business details to them.

Distribute Promo Items

Internet based marketing is not the only way to go about promoting yourself. Don’t underestimate the benefits which handing out free branded items can provide. By simply contacting a promotional products supplier you can get your company logo and associated information in the hands of lots of new people and thus boost your brand awareness. It is generally accepted that a lot of promo products end up being kept by people for a while and so you can keep reminding the public of your presence through them. Items such as clothing, bags and umbrellas are doubly effective as they are advertising y

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